while in Medellin last month i enrolled in Glen Allsop's "SEO Blueprint" course (not a sponsored / affiliate link). there are over 175 lectures, it's a total beast.
i watched ~34 lectures in about a week, taking notes throughout. ultimately i had to stop because there were too many ideas floating around in my head. i will continue the curriculum after depleting my new SEO todo list.
besides the strategic and tactical knowledge in the course, SEO Blueprint helped me realize what kind of life i want in the future. yes, seriously.
you see, to figure out what makes you happy, it's easiest to first think about what makes you unhappy. then eliminate those items. a few of mine:
over the weekend i launched my first-ever niche content, SEO project. it's a website, written in Korean, that targets Korean speaking songwriters. i built the site in < 2 days and it already has 5,800 auto generated, dynamic pages of content.
i have a roadmap of features and SEO tactics to execute, which i hope will get me to 20,000+ pages of content and a roadmap toward monetization within the next 90 days.
to stay tuned about the project, follow me on Twitter. if you're interested in significantly advancing your SEO chops, enroll in the course.